BMW X5 E70 4.8i M-Sport
Car is available for test drive in Riga, Latvia. We can transport car to any European country. Car is ready to be registered in any EU member state, import tax and VAT paid.
Car has Estonian registration / number plates and have new Technical inspection.
If you have questions don’t hesitate to ask!
Car drives and works perfectly without any problems! Watch the video!
NEW XTRONS radio/screen. (Apple carplay etc…)
New brakes, many new axle parts.
212 National Brake System Equipment / Ausstattung Bremsanlage Laender
217 Active Steering / Aktivlenkung
220 Self-leveling Suspension / Niveauregulierung
226 Sports Suspension SettingsSportliche Fahrwerksabstimmung
230 Eu Specific Additional Equipment / Eu Spezifische Zusatzumfaenge
2M5 Indiv. Lt/aly Wh.v-sp.
223 I Mixed Ty.M Lm Raeder V-speiche
223 M / Mb2PALocking Wheel Bolts / Radschraubensicherung
302 Alarm System / Alarmanlage
337 M Sport Package / M Sportpaket
3AG Backup Camera / Rueckfahrkamera
3AP Windscreen With Grey Shade Band / Graukeil-frontscheibe
3MB Individual Ext.line Alu. Satinated / Individual Ext Line Alu Satiniert
3MC Ind.roof Rails High-gloss Shadow L / Indiv.dachreling Hochgl.shadow Line
402 Panorama Glass Roof / Panorama Glasdach
413 Luggage Compartment Net / Gepaeckraumtrennetz
423 Floor Mats, Velour / Fussmatten In Velours
428 Warning Triangle / Warndreieck
430 Interior And Exterior Mirror Packa / Innen- Und Aussenspiegelpaket
431 Interior Rr Vw Mirror W Aut Anti-d / Innenspiegel,automatisch Abblendend
441 Smokers Package / Raucherpaket
459 Seat Adjustm., Electr. W. Memory / Sitzverstellung, Elektr.mit Memory
481 Sport Seats F Driver/front Passenger / Sportsitze Fuer Fahrer/beifahrer
488 Lumbar Support Driver/front Passenger / Lordosenstuetze Fahrer/beifahrer
494 Seat Heating F Driver/front Passenger / Sitzheizung Fuer Fahrer/beifahrer
4AB Fine-wood Trim Burr Walnut / Edelholzausfuehrung Nussbaum Wurzel
502 Headlight Washer System / Scheinwerfer-waschanlage
508 Park Distance Control (pdc)
521 Rain Sensor / Regensensor
522 Xenon Light / Xenon-licht
524 Adaptive Headlights / Adaptives Kurvenlicht
534 Automatic Air Conditioning / Klimaautomatik
544 Cruise Control With Braking Function / Geschwindigkeitsregel. Mit Bremsf.
548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading / Kilometertacho
563 Lights Package / Lichtpaket
5AB Brake Force Display, Deletion / Zweistufige Bremsleuchten Entfall
601 Tv Function / Tv-funktion
609 Navigation System Professional / Navigationssystem Professional
644 Prep. For. Mob. Ph. Bluet. Interf. / Handy Vorb. Mit Bluetooth-schnitts.
672 Cd Changer Bmw For 6 Cds / Cd Wechsler 6-fach
676 Hifi Loudspeaker SystemHifi Lautsprechersystem
698 Area-code 2Area-code
2710 M Leather Steering WheelM Lederlenkrad
775 Individual Roof-lining AnthraciteIndividual Dachhimmel Anthrazit
7CG Repair Inclusive 3/200Repair Inclusive 3/2007
M5M Exterior Parts / M Exterieurumfaenge
807 Japan Version / Japan-ausfuehrung
818 Main Battery Switch / Batteriehauptschalter
823 Hot Climate Version / Heissland-ausfuehrung
840 High Speed Synchronisation / Hochgeschwindigkeitsabstimmung
845 Acoustic Belt Warning / Akustische Gurtwarnung
852 Language Version Japanese / Sprachversion Japanisch
876 Radio Frequency
315 Mhz / Funkfrequenz
8S1 Daytime Running Lights Decoding / Dekodierung Tagfahrleuchten8SPCop ControlCop Steuerung
925 Shipping Protection Package / Versandschutzpaket
992 Number Plate Attachement Management / Steuerung Kennzeichenbefestigung